Saturday, August 17, 2013

Digital Lab

Digital Camera Station NZEA0001D

Entrance to Digital Camera area - Archives New Zealand

2nd Digital Camera and a picture of a Kiwi painted by an earlier digital camera operator.

Prepared probate records ready to be digitized...hand painted Moa.  Helps break up the bleak white cement walls.

More prepared documents ready to be digitized.

Boxes of probate records that have been digitized and ready to be put back into the archive

Here we are in front of camera #1.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

We got evacuated today because of the 6.2 earthquake.  That has now been updated to a 6.6 earthquake. It shook hard enough that many of the probates fell on the floor.  We were able to get them off of the floor but then had to immediately leave.  The whole city of Wellington appeared to be leaving.  There were sirens going almost constantly as fire engines and police were going to areas that needed assistance.  We were able to make it back to our apartment without much delay.  Hopefully we will be able to return on Monday.  There has already been a number of after shocks as you can see by the one pictured above, others have also reach the 5.0 range.  We felt one here in Porirua just a few minutes ago.  There has now been an after shock of 6.2 and a 5.7, there have been more than 25 after shocks within the last 5 hours.